Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that causes disruptions in your breathing while you sleep. However, if left untreated sleep apnea can pose serious risks to your health including strokes, heart disease, and sleep deprivation. At Alpine Dental, Dr. Klein is dedicated to treating your sleep apnea and preventing serious complications from risking your health.
Sleep Apnea And Heart Disease
Sleep apnea is a fairly common condition that affects more men than women. The leading cause of obstructive sleep apnea is obesity, which causes the airway to collapse leading to disruptions in breathing. Lack of sleep Sleep deprivation caused by sleep apnea can lead to further obesity, increases in blood pressure, increasing risks of heart disease, and possible heart failure.
Seeking Treatment For Sleep Apnea
Seeking treatment for sleep apnea is extremely important in preventing serious health issues. Our North Barrington dentist is dedicated to treating obstructive sleep apnea and improving patients’ sleep so they feel their best. Using an oral appliance to help keep patients’ airways open will help prevent stops in breathing as they sleep and allow them to breathe better. Mandibular Repositioning Devices and Oral Dilators are two of the most common oral devices used to prevent obstructions of the airway.
Lifestyle changes may also help alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea. Some lifestyle changes that may help prevent sleep apnea, heart disease, and other health risks include:
- Regular physical activity
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Avoiding caffeine before bed
- Quit smoking
- Developing a pre-bedtime routine
Contact Alpine Dental Today!
When left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to major health issues including heart disease. If you are experiencing severe snoring that wakes you up at night or daytime drowsiness, Dr. Klein will work with your general physician and local health professionals to treat your sleep apnea. Finding treatment for your sleep apnea as early as possible is an excellent way to help you sleep better and prevent further damage to your health. Contact our North Barrington office today to see how we can help.