Ever wonder why your teeth can look yellow? You stick to the daily oral hygiene habits that help to maintain a great smile, such as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly. But somehow your teeth are still yellow. Surprisingly, teeth are generally influenced by the ingredients that you consume every day.
Excessive coffee drinkers are not doing their teeth any justice and neither are spice lovers. These 2 culprits are a few of the many on the long list of ingredients that stain your teeth. Many people may not even know that their favorite foods have substances that can cause staining. Consequently, foods aren’t the only miscreants in changing the color of your teeth, antibiotics and some over-the-counter medication antihistamines can also contribute.
When shopping for products that can eliminate the appearance of yellow teeth, you will be surprised to find that there are hundreds of options to choose from. Many of these goodies can put a damper in your pockets and often require you to buy them often to keep the effects. However, there are preventative measures that you can take to eliminate the possibility of staining your teeth.
Below Dr. Debora Klein provides the top tips for preventing stained teeth and will give you information on substances that causes tooth discoloration.
What Can Keep Your Teeth Cleaner?
Drinking With A Straw – Drinking hot or cold beverages with a straw can save your teeth from discoloration. The Colgate website states that sipping through a straw can reduce the amount of liquid contact with your teeth which keeps teeth from coming into contact with the substances. Drinking from a straw has added benefits by eliminating tooth sensitivity of cold or hot beverages.
Brushing Your Teeth – Choose a powered toothbrush that will work effectively at removing stains from your teeth. Manual toothbrushes are regularly recommended by dentists because they don’t have the powered movement that an electric brush has to remove stains and bacteria.
Brush your teeth and gums using gentle rotational strokes. Brush in this style for 2 minutes or longer every day. To change the shades of your teeth dramatically, try this method with a whitening toothpaste. With this regimen, you will start seeing results in less than a week.
Floss Your Teeth – Flossing your teeth removes tooth particles in hard-to-reach places. Plaque that surrounds the teeth also attracts foods that cause stains and if you don’t floss them out, they will remain trapped causing further complications.
Over-The-Counter Whitening Kits – Dentists like Dr. Neil S. Stearns can perform an in-office teeth whitening procedure that will have effective outcomes. Teeth whitening kits are very effective at removing stains from the outermost layer of the enamel. Be mindful when using these kits because they can cause tooth sensitivity.
Visit Your Dentist – By visiting your dentist twice a year will allow your to state your concerns in regards to keeping your teeth white. Your dentist will provide an individualized method that will work perfectly for you.
What Are The Teeth Staining Culprits?
Genetics – Although genetics don’t generally determine the specific color of your teeth, it does contribute to the thickness of the different layers of teeth. Specifically the enamel. The thicker the enamel of the teeth, the whiter they will appear. That is because the layer underneath the enamel called the dentin has a yellow undertone to it, it will show less of the yellow color.
Acidic Beverages – Coffee, tea,
and wine are very delicious drinks that have tremendous teeth staining effects. For example, wine changes the color of your teeth because they contain chemicals that erode the tooth enamel. The chromogens and tannins within white wine can also have staining properties. The enamel of the teeth has microscopic pits that can hold the particles in acidic drinks. Giving up these drinks can be very difficult, but can also keep your teeth whiter.
Tomato Products – According to Colgate, pasta sauce has teeth staining power due to the acidity levels and high pigments they contain. Foods that are high in acidity will cause your enamel to erode and promote teeth sensitivity. To balance the effects of teeth staining that tomato sauces may have, try to combine this treat with an ingredient that has a lower Ph level. Many of the foods include whole grains, fish and more.
Curry – This flavorful spice makes a yummy addition to your food dish. This is also one of the main ingredients in most Indian foods and great for a healthy diet. Unfortunately, the same bright yellow color effects this additive has on food are the same that it may have on your teeth. Try keeping the consumption of curry to a minimum. If you decide to eat this delicious spice, brush and floss your teeth immediately after to reduce effects.
Drugs / Chemicals – Certain antibiotics that treat acne and ear infections can often cause the inside of your teeth to darken. These antibiotics include tetracycline and doxycycline. Oral rinses that contain chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride have properties within them that have the tinting effect. In addition, some antihistamines and anti-hypertension medications may have the same teeth staining effects. Talk to your dentist to determine if there are alternative medications that won’t have the same teeth discoloration effects.
Fluorosis – This condition is a tooth defect of the tooth enamel that is usually caused by intaking too much fluoride in the first 8 years of life. In this condition, the damage to the enamel is permanent and can result in the tooth looking brown or yellow. For patients who want to whiten their teeth due to this condition, they may have to seek professional dental help.
Poor Oral Hygiene – Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential in having a white smile. If you do not brush your teeth regularly, it can lead to tartar buildup and periodontal disease.
Tooth Fillings – The materials that are used in tooth fillings such as amalgam can get deposited into the enamel over time and cause the tooth to darken.
Diseases – Certain diseases can have harsh implications to the enamel of your teeth. People who suffer from cancer and require radiation and/or chemotherapy can severely discolor your teeth. Infections in pregnant mothers can discolor the dentin in the tooth.
Tobacco – According to the website Smile Brilliant, the nicotine and tar within a cigarette will stain your teeth dramatically. These substances attach themselves to the enamel of the teeth, creating a brown discoloration. Most of the stains produced by tobacco are on the outside of the enamel surface called extrinsic stains. These types of stains can be removed easily with an adequate teeth cleaning method or teeth whitening kit.
Trauma – If you fall and hurt your teeth, it may cause discoloration in a young person’s teeth as adults. You will need a recommendation of a dentist to determine whether you could have the tooth whitened. If so, there may be extra procedures that will have to be completed.
Age – Everyone’s teeth turns a bit yellow as they get older. The reason for this is because the enamel of the tooth continues to wear off throughout your adult life. If you are older and want to brighten your smile, go to a dentist to get an effective tooth whitening method.
Contact Us –
Whitening your teeth should be an easy and fun process. Being educated and informed on the staining issues that regular everyday foods may have on your teeth is critical to having whiter teeth. If you want more information on how to maintain a healthier smile, contact Dr. Debora Klein at Alpine Dental to help you.